Boy there is a lot of updating to do on this blog thingy. I guess ill try and do a brief summarization of how I got to where I am now (San Sebastian, Spain). Here it goes......
So Janine and I left Holland to venture to Aachenm Germany to visit our friend Laura. We partied hard and then headed to a small town just to the north for one of Janines classmates birthdays. We partied hard once again. The next morning Janine and I had to part ways. We said our goodbyes that tugged at the heart strings and I was off to Dusseldorf once again with Oskar. I stayed with Oskar and his family for three or four nights while I made the tough decision to leave my already neglected bike in his garage for the remainder of the trip.... Quitter I know. Oh well. It was a hard decision but realized it was too lonley and complicated to bike alone. So I did some research and decided to buy a Eurail pass for 4 countries and 6 days of travel. One day of travel means I can travel as far as I want, with as many transfers as I want, in one 24 hour period. Its a great deal if you plan it out right.
In order to get the pass I needed to take a short train to Koln (cologne) Germany. I could not get a train to Paris until the following day so I had to stay a night in Koln. While checking out the amazing cathedral (google it, its incredible) I met another American. We met up with two girls he had met a few days before, ate some brats, drank kolsch beer, and wandered the waterfront with delicious german hefeweisen. After some events I cannot elaborate on, we made it back to the hostel for some shut eye. The next morning I went to a cool Nazi World War II prison with a Canadian dude from the hostel. Then it was off to Paris.
I was staying with a couchsurfer in Paris. He was a really funny Indian kid (from India, not native American) who cooked me lots of spicy food. He insisted that I sleep on his bed and he sleep on the floor.Crazy kid. During the day I wandered the streets. And when I say I wandered, I mean... I wandered!! I walked aimlessly around for hours! Paris is HUGE. The first day I had more of plan, however. I saw Notre Dame (not too impressed after the Koln Cathedral), Champs Elysee, arc de triumph, Eiffel tower, and Montmarke. Montmarke was really cool. It was a church on the top of a hill with a view of all of paris. Mehul and I went there for sunset and there were lots of other young folk there. We met a bunch of cool people.
Yada yada yada I ran into some train trouble because the French are always on strike and had to postpone my train to San Sebastian. I finally made it out of Paris after being there for 6 days (I only planned on 3 or 4). But not Im in San Sebastian at my cousins Spanish sisters house. This morning I walked a 6 km trail through the coastal mountains with ocean views virtually the entire way. It was SOOO refreshing after being in Paris. Once I made it to the beaches I was blown away by how perfect they were. Surfers everywhere, people sunbathing and a beatiful sandy coastline. Me and this city will get along just fine. Now im off to meet up with some folks I met on the train for some dinner and drinks. Fewwhhh that was a lot of updating. Im sure noone but my mom reads this anyway haha. peace